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22 November 2017

Oral Evidence to the UK APPG on Population, Development and Reproductive Health inquiry on “Abortion in the Developing World and in the UK”

Thank you for the opportunity to present oral evidence to the APPG on Population, Development and Reproductive Heath today on the topic of Abortion Globally and in War Zones. I’m Akila Radhakrishnan, the Vice-President and Legal Director of the Global Justice Center, an international human rights organization focused on using international law to ensure women’s equality. Today, I would like to speak with you about how the UK can continue its excellent leadership in protecting abortion as a matter of women’s rights under international law, including through the funding of abortion services with its development and humanitarian aid. My presentation is divided into two sections.

First, I will address the implications for the global sexual and reproductive rights landscape resulting from the reinstatement and expansion of the Global Gag Rule by US President Trump and why leadership by the UK and likeminded donors is even more critical today.

Second, will I discuss how the UK can better ensure that girls and women affected by conflict—including those raped in war zones—receive the medical care they need and are entitled to, including abortion services.
