UN Secretary-General Releases Report on Impact of COVID-19 on Women
NEW YORK – United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres released a report today on the impact of COVID-19 on women and girls.
Akila Radhakrishnan, president of the Global Justice Center, issued the following statement:
“UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has taken important leadership to highlight the gendered impact of COVID-19, first with his call to prevent violence against women, and today with his policy brief on the impact of Covid-19 on women and girls. All crises have a gendered impact, and the secretary-general’s leadership in helping to shed light on this issue is important. We now look to states to take meaningful efforts to address these gendered impacts and make them the center of all responses. This should include, first and foremost, the equal representation of women in the decision making and planning of responses.
“We have seen around the world the failure of states to adequately take human and women’s rights into account. For example, policymakers in the United States are using COIVD-19 measures as a pretext to curb access to sexual and reproductive rights, in particular abortion. The secretary-general’s brief importantly recognizes that the provision of such services is central to women’s health and rights. A human and women’s rights informed approach should be leading to states working to make key services like abortion, more accessible, not less.
“As COVID-19 continues to lay bare the inequalities in our society, states must ensure that their responses take gendered impacts into account.”