Home / Publications / Global Justice Center’s suggestions and comments regarding the National Election Bill of South Sudan

Global Justice Center’s suggestions and comments regarding the National Election Bill of South Sudan

Topic  Article Issues/Comments
The Commission Art. 8 (1)[…] “Selection of the Commission Members shall take into consideration consultations with women and civil society groups and include representation of these groups.” Suggest including a concrete procedure for these consultations to guarantee the participation of women groups in the selection process.
Art. 8 (1) “The Commission shall be compromised of nine members to be selected and appointed by the President in accordance with article 197 (3) of the Transitional Constitution” Insert “ at least 3 of the members appointed should be women”
National Legislative Assembly: Number of women representatives Art 35 (2) (b) The National Legislative Assembly shall be composed of members elected as follows… twenty five percent of women members shall be elected on the basis of proportional representation at the national level from closed party lists; Change the 25% to 35%. CEDAW General Recommendation #23 on Article 7 (Political and Public life) suggests that the “number” should ideally be at 30-35%. “Research demonstrates that if women’s participation reaches 30 to 35 per cent (generally termed a “critical mass”) there is a real impact on political style and the content of decisions, and political life is revitalized.

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