Home / Publications / Q&A: How President Obama Can – and Must – Save the Lives of Girls & Women Raped in War by Lifting the Abortion Ban Attached to US Humanitarian Aid

Q&A: How President Obama Can – and Must – Save the Lives of Girls & Women Raped in War by Lifting the Abortion Ban Attached to US Humanitarian Aid

Congress permits the use of foreign aid for abortions for rape, incest, or to save the life of a woman or girl, but the Obama administration has kept in place a Bush-era administrative order that eliminates those exceptions. Since the US is the largest humanitarian aid donor worldwide, the US abortion ban has become the de facto medical policy in the majority of war zones where rape is often used as a weapon of war.

President Obama has the opportunity to strengthen his legacy as a champion for women and girls by overturning the US abortion ban on all foreign aid. Doing so would send the clear message to our allies and other humanitarian organizations that victims of rape should be able to choose whether to carry the child of their rapist.

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