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10 November 2016

Global Justice Center’s Statement on the US Presidential Election



In response to the US Presidential Election, the Global Justice Center issues the following statement:

On Monday, the United States seemed to be on the precipice of not only electing its first female leader but an experienced and measured public servant who had dedicated her life to the promotion of human rights and gender equality.

Instead, yesterday, the United States became a part of a growing nationalist movement that we have seen on the rise around the world. We hope that the President-elect will hold himself to a higher standard than we have seen during his campaign which was marked by sexism, xenophobia, racism, discrimination and hatred.

President-elect Trump has made promises and laid out a series of policies that are contrary to the fundamental tenants of the rule of law and human rights accepted by the international community.

Despite this major setback, The Global Justice Center will redouble its efforts to ensure peace, justice, and security. We will work  every day to enforce international laws that protect human rights and promote gender equality.

Respect for the fundamental rights of all humans, regardless of their gender, religion, origin, skin color, sexual orientation, disability or political views is now more important than ever. Whether at home or abroad, we must ensure that our leaders are held accountable for their actions that are contrary to these fundamental principles.

Today, we mourn for the lost opportunity of a first female president of the United States.
Tomorrow, we get to work.

For more information, please contact:
Stephanie Olszewski, Communications Manager, solszewski@globaljusticecenter.net, +1.212.725.6530 ext. 211