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25 April 2016

International Coordination for Gender Justice in Iraq Highlight Importance of Gender Equality in Iraq


[LONDON, ENGLAND] The UK-based International Coordination for Gender Justice in Iraq (ICGJI) last week submitted recommendations to the Iraq Commission, the independent cross-party UK commission to examine the future of British commitment in Iraq. Aided by the Global Justice Center, the ICGJI is a volunteer-based organization that works closely with diverse partners both in the UK and in Iraq towards international advocacy on gender justice in Iraq. The ICGJI has recently been involved in the training of judges in Iraq to address the issues of gender justice and regime crimes, as well as various projects to raise awareness of gender issues and equality in Iraq.

The Iraq Commission is an independent UK group set up to investigate various aspects of the UK’s continuing role in Iraq, with a goal towards presenting a final report mid-July to the new Prime Minister. Equivalent to the US Iraq Study Group, issues under examination by the Commission include the role of UK troops in Iraq, reconstruction and the role of NGOs, and domestic political considerations, including questions of community cohesion.

The ICGJI’s submission highlighted issues affecting women’s rights from a legislative and political development perspective, such as some inherent contradictions concerning women’s rights in Iraqi law. The ICGJI seeks gender equality in government and judicial processes through international laws such as UN Security Council Resolution 1325, and the submission emphasizes the importance of such equality in forming a progressive democracy.

The Global Justice Center is glad to see that the UK government is taking active steps to consider the situation in Iraq, and hopes that the Iraq Commission includes in the final report recommendations on gender equality and justice under UN Security Council Resolution 1325.

A copy of the ICGJI’s full submission is available here.

For further information, please contact Abby Goldberg at (212) 725-6530, x204 or agoldberg@globaljusticecenter.net.

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