Hearings Begin in Genocide Case Against Myanmar at World Court
THE HAGUE – The International Court of Justice is holding its first hearing today in the case filed by The Gambia against Myanmar for the genocide of the Rohingya.
The Gambia will deliver arguments on their request for provisional measures, which would impose immediately binding obligations on Myanmar. For more on these measures, please see our Q&A.
Global Justice Center President Akila Radhakrishnan issued the following statement:
“The international community is many years too late on taking action in Myanmar, but this case represents the first hope in decades for the Rohingya and other persecuted ethnic groups in the country. Indiscriminate killings, widespread rape and sexual violence, arbitrary detention, and torture have been everyday reality in Myanmar for far too long. The court has an opportunity with this case to help end it all.”
Myanmar State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi will open Myanmar’s arguments before the court tomorrow.