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09 October 2024

650+ Civil Society Organizations and Experts Urge Governments to Advance Draft Crimes Against Humanity Treaty to Negotiations

Statement Circulated Ahead of UN Session on the Draft Treaty

Human rights organizations based in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the Americas, and Europe — as well as leading international law and human rights experts — today urged UN member states to advance the draft text for a crimes against humanity treaty to negotiations. This joint statement is being circulated among government representatives as they meet today to begin a UN session that could advance the draft treaty.

Today’s statement recognizes that, despite the global spread of atrocities like murder, enslavement, and deportation, there has yet to be a treaty regulating the prevention and punishment of crimes against humanity. Such a treaty would “close a crucial gap” in the current international framework on mass atrocities. Signers of the statement also support an inclusive treaty-making process and will advocate for a final treaty that is gender-competent, survivor-centric, and deploys an intersectional lens.

“Experts and activists around the world are sending a clear message to their governments ahead of this historic UN session: advance to negotiations for a crimes against humanity treaty,” said Kelly Adams, legal advisor at the Global Justice Center. “Victims of crimes against humanity need this accountability tool, and governments have an opportunity to stand with them by advancing to negotiations.”

Today’s joint statement was initially released in March of this year. Since then, hundreds of additional organizations and human rights experts have signed on and urged their governments to take a position on the draft treaty. A petition circulated by Avaaz that urges support for treaty negotiations also has received more than 500,000 signatures from people around the world. Additional statements of support, as well as key information on the draft treaty, can be found at cahtreatynow.org.

UN Sixth Committee proceedings on the draft treaty can be viewed on UN Web TV.