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05 August 2019

Ms. Magazine | “Never Again” Means Holding the Trump Administration Accountable

Excerpt of Ms. Magazine op-ed by GJC Development and Operations Assistant Sophia Fiore.

When Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compared the detention centers along the southern border of the U.S. to concentration camps, she sparked a heated debate about whether the facilities met that definition. In the following days, the press spent more time picking apart her word choice than focusing on the dire conditions in the detention centers that have led to severe health conditions—and, in some cases, the death of detainees.

Many find it difficult to accept that these horrors occur, especially in the U.S. We say “never again,” but are blind to the assaults on human rights and the dehumanization of people taking place every day on our watch.

Let’s not mince words: The conditions at the border blatantly violate international standards and the international legal obligations of the U.S.

Read the Full Op-Ed