Home / Publications / New York Review of Law and Social Change, “U.S. Ratification of CEDAW: An Opportunity to Radically Reframe the Right to Equality Accorded Women Under the U.S. Constitution”

New York Review of Law and Social Change, “U.S. Ratification of CEDAW: An Opportunity to Radically Reframe the Right to Equality Accorded Women Under the U.S. Constitution”

The NYU Review of Law & Social Change publishes an article titled “U.S. Ratification of CEDAW: an Opportunity to Radically Reframe the Right to Equality Accorded Women Under the U.S. Constitution” by Janet Benshoof (GJC’s Founder and President).

Subheadings in this article include “Women’s Rights Advocated Shaped the Development of the Supreme Court’s Scheme of Women’s Rights”, “The Tripartite Scheme Used by the Supreme Court to Adjudicate Women’s Rights to Equality”, and “The U.S. Ratification of CEDAW: an Opportunity for Change.”

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