Home / Publications / Facilitating Collaboration in Darfur: Organizations Working with Women in Darfur, Sudan on Sexual Violence and the Rule of Law
01 June 2007

Facilitating Collaboration in Darfur: Organizations Working with Women in Darfur, Sudan on Sexual Violence and the Rule of Law

The deteriorating humanitarian situation in Sudan has led to an increase in the activities of international  organizations working towards humanitarian relief, international protection, and international justice.  In addition to grassroots organizations that have been working in Sudan to promote women’s rights in their local communities, many organizations are devoting countless time and resources to upholding and protecting the rights of women in Darfur to be free from violence and gain access to justice.  To that end, the Global Justice Center has assembled this directory of organizations working with women in Darfur, Sudan. The organizations surveyed in this directory provide a range of services for women. From subsidizing basic needs,  to documenting rape cases, to enabling women to take active part in the peace process, these organizations are encouraging women to assume their rightful place in Sudanese society.  The support provided by the contributing organizations is vital to Sudanese women at this crucial time in their history and the Global Justice Center is pleased to contribute to these efforts by providing this directory. We hope it will be a useful resource to the international NGO community, to Sudanese civil society and to the women of Darfur. We also hope it facilitates collaboration and communication among these organizations and ultimately, help us all to better serve the women and girls in Darfur.

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