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30 April 2019

What Does a Gender Perspective Bring to Crimes Against Humanity Genocide, and War Crimes?

Crimes Against Humanity
War Crimes

From May 02, 2019 6:00 pm until 8:30 pm

At LSE Center for Women, Peace and Security, Wolfson Lecture Theatre


The event marks the public launch of the Gendered Peace project which is funded by the European Research Council. In 2014 the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) launched its Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes to strengthen “expertise and commitment to the prosecution of sexual and gender-based crimes”.  Notwithstanding this ambition, five years on, the Court’s track record remains disappointing and it would appear that much more work must be done.

This event is designed to open up a discussion on the multi-dimensional nature of the core categories of international offences through a gender perspective to evaluate progress, identify setbacks and explore future options.  What does a gender analysis add to our understanding of these offences?  How can international criminal law better deliver on gender justice?


  • Patricia Viseur Sellers, International Criminal Lawyer
  • Akila Radhakrishnan, President of the Global Justice Center
  • Christine Chinkin,  Professional Research Fellow