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16 March 2021

The Role of Women in Peace and Security Agenda: UNSCR 1325

UN Security Council
United Nations

The landmark Security Council Resolution 1325 underlines the unequal impact of armed conflicts and violence on women and girls while stressing their crucial role in building long-lasting peace. The resolution calls on Member States and civil society organizations to strengthen collaboration in increasing women`s meaningful participation in conflict prevention. UNSCR 1325 also stresses that gender mainstreaming of the peacekeeping operations is required to address particular needs of women and girls.

Voices of women are essential to reveal violence against women and girls during the times of conflicts. The current pandemic is expected to create additional profound challenges as the violence against women is reported to increase throughout this global crisis which makes women`s participation in peace building even more difficult due to the marginalization. According to World Bank and United Nations` joint research, increasing gender inequality will eventually lead to more conflict.1 As the recent Report of the Secretary-General on “Women and Peace and Security” underlines, “the combination of vibrant social movements, fragile peace agreements and a global pandemic is a wake-up call to build more equal and inclusive societies”.

JWF organizes this virtual panel to create a platform for the experts to inform our global audience of women`s rights activists on the UNSCR 1325, the means of increasing women’s leadership in conflict zones and peace building mechanisms, women’s role for facilitating the pillars of Responsibility to Protect, and discuss several country-case studies where women created a long-lasting.


  • Cemre Ulker, The Journalists and Writers Foundation, UN Representative
  • Esra Aydin, Journalists and Writers Foundation, Communications Director
  • Savita Pawnday, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, Deputy Executive Director
  • Mavic CabreraBalleza, Global Network of Women Peacebuilders, Chief Executive Officer
  • Grant Shubin, Global Justice Center, Legal Director

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