Moving Forward to Negotiations on a Global Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity: A Workshop for Civil Society
This workshop provided members of civil society attending the Assembly of States Parties with an overview of the Draft Articles and the ongoing process and a forum to strategize on ways forward for civil society engagement and coordination. The workshop aimed to broaden the community of civil society actors who are equipped to engage with treaty negotiations, with the ultimate aim of creating a broad constituency pushing for the adoption of a robust treaty to prevent and punish crimes against humanity.
This event was co-sponsored by the Atlantic Council Strategic Litigation Project; Crimes against Humanity Initiative, Harris Institute, Washington University Law School; Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden University; Emergent Justice Collective; Asia Justice Coalition; Human Rights Watch; Global Justice Center; Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice; International Commission of Jurists; International Union for Conservation of Nature, World Commission on Environmental Law; Promise Institute for Human Rights; Citizens for Global Solutions; and Amnesty International.