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09 March 2020

International Law Conference on the Status of Women

GJC President Akila Radhakrishnan spoke at this event hosted by the New York City Bar Association.

This exciting Conference will coincide with the 64th session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations in New York City and the 25th Anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing where First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton historically proclaimed, “Women’s Rights are Human Rights.”  Speakers, panelists and moderators at the Conference will address various topics, including: the status of women and the role of lawyers and the law in improving the status of women; United Nation’s initiatives to improve the status of women; global human rights concerns and abuses specifically impacting women; innovative approaches to improving the lives of women through the rule of law and government policy; elevating women lawyers and fostering diversity within the legal profession; and the role of legal societies, professional organizations and international NGOs in aiding women.

A Pro Bono Engagement Forum and Reception will kick off the Conference to allow attendees to connect with one another about potential opportunities to offer legal services on a pro bono basis to NGOs focused on serving women.

Robyn Griffin, Managing Director, The Huntington National Bank
Lauren McMillen Ormsbee, Partner, BLB&G

Welcoming Remarks:
Roger Juan Maldonado, 
President, New York City Bar Association

Fiona Bassett,
 Board Member, The Hopeland Charity Foundation
Julie E. Fink, Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP
Francoise Girard, President, International Women’s Health Coalition
Barbara Hart, President and CEO, Lowey Dannenberg, P.C.
Stephanie Johanssen, Senior Advocacy Officer and UN Representative, Women’s Refugee Commission
Laila Khoudeida, Co-Founder and Director of Women’s Affairs for YAZDA
Charlotte Laurent-Ottomane, Executive Director, Thirty Percent Coalition
Dr. Faith Mwangi-Powell, CEO, Girls Not Brides
Consolee Nishimwe, Author, Tested to the Limited, Educational and Motivational Speaker
Pramila Patten, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, United Nations
Akila Radhakrishnan, President, Global Justice Center
Jessica Reijnders, Executive Director, Free A Girl USA