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13 September 2023

Human Rights Council Side Event: Towards a Crimes Against Humanity Convention

Crimes Against Humanity
Human Rights Council
graphic promoting event, "Human Rights Council Side Event: Towards a Crimes Against Humanity Convention"

Crimes against humanity are not new – international criminal responsibility for these crimes was first established under the Nuremberg trials and have been incorporated in the statutes of contemporary international tribunals, including the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court (ICC). However, unlike other crimes under international law, crimes against humanity have not been the subject of a specialized treaty setting out the full obligations of States, especially under their domestic law.

The event will explore the importance of a future Crimes Against Humanity Convention in bridging the accountability gap in international law. It will allow participants to take stock of the debates taking place at the UNGA Sixth Committee on the proposed Convention, and enhance awareness and understanding of the process, including the Second Resumed Session (2024). It will provide a platform to renew the commitment of States to fight impunity by exercising national criminal jurisdiction and advancing inter-State cooperation. It will also explain the complementarity of the Convention with the Rome Statute (ICC) and the newly adopted Ljubljana-The Hague Treaty (Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty).


  • H.E. Amb. Muhammadou KAH Permanent Representative of the Gambia to the UN in Geneva
  • H.E. Amb. Federico VILLEGAS Permanent Representative of Argentina to the UN in Geneva
  • H.E. Amb. Nikola GILLHOFF Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany to the UN in Geneva
  • Ms. Akila RADHAKRISHNAN President of the Global Justice Center
  • Ms. Priya PILLAI Head of the Asia Justice Coalition Secretariat
  • Mr. Ian SEIDERMAN Legal and Policy Director, International Commission of Jurists