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19 September 2023

Centering Threats Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Mass Atrocity Prevention

United Nations
panelists speak at event, "Centering Threats Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Mass Atrocity Prevention"

This event, held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly’s High-Level Week, provides an opportunity to discuss the imperative to integrate sexual orientation & gender identity (SOGI) perspectives through a fully gendered approach into mass atrocity prevention, and consider the challenges and opportunities to doing so. The panel will build on the Security Council’s Arria formula meeting in March 2023 which focused on the Security Council’s role in integrating LGBTQI+ rights and perspectives into their efforts in maintaining international peace and security, by exploring the role of the full UN system in SOGI-inclusive atrocity prevention. The event will also be informed by the Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity’s report on LGBTQI+ rights in the context of conflict, post-conflict, and peacebuilding.


  • The Rt. Hon. Lord Herbert of South Downs, Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on LGBT+ Rights, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • Victor Madrigal-Borloz, UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  • Zohra Mousavi, Special Project Coordinator (Afghanistan Program), ILGA-Asia
  • Kate Ferguson, Co-Executive Director, Protection Approaches
  • Neela Ghoshal Senior Director of Law, Policy, & Research, Outright International
  • Elizabeth Taylor Jay, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs, Colombia
  • Jessica Stern, United States Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons
  • Akila Radhakrishnan (moderator), Global Justice Center